Friday, August 22, 2008

friends..parted friends !

Life’s what?
Memories of gone pals
Or pals still in memory?
Though years rolled
And rolled over tempest,hurricane
Why it’s so perpetual?

We want to remember & we forget
we want to forget still remember
invisibly they inspire our life
and every breath expires with them

who are friends?
For me the gone ones
Or do I only realize
When they are gone?

As saying goes
To rising star everyone bows
Contrary,I bow to them who
Make the star to rise
Oh!! So cool! So wise
I know such guys
And am proud call them
My friends,parted friends

Gone days still fresher
Like a fine pacer
Taking away my life wickets
Sitting in heart-pavilion without ticket

So friends you went
Went away,miles away
To meet perhaps never again
Yet with your friendship
No compromise,no bargain

You are with me in sun,in rain
You are there in my illusion terrain
You guided me,goaded too
You teased me, I responded too
You wrathed me, made to smile too

You are nowhere,still everywhere
You are very far, yet so near
You are invisible, yet appear
You are inaudible,but I can hear……..

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